Social Media & Advertising


Social Media & Advertising

How up-to-date is your company on the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau’s (“TTB”) advertising regulations? Does your social media manager understand that federal regulations apply to social media? Or that a simple Instagram post could violate federal and/or state tied house laws? 

Once published, both traditional print and online publications can be challenging, if not impossible, to erase. Content is viewable to enforcement divisions of agencies as well as to competing industry members, who may bring agency attention to non-compliant publications. Getting ahead of these issues is the best way to avoid potentially irreparable harm.

Social Media and Advertising: Services

Lindsey Zahn P.C. advises alcohol beverage companies on social media, websites, and advertising campaigns, which may include, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Provide federal & state compliance review for websites, social media, etc.
  • Advise on “tied house” legal issues
  • Train your social media and/or marketing team to understand and address compliance concerns related to the alcohol beverage industry
  • Develop guidance documents outlining best social media and/or marketing practices for a specific commodity
  • Review proposed advertising and marketing materials prior to publication

Lindsey Zahn P.C. also offers one-on-one or group employee training to educate your team members on industry best practices for traditional advertising and social media posts. 

Recent Representations 

Some recent representations include:

  • Reviewed a proposed advertisement by an alcohol beverage importer and provided suggested guidance including industry best practices
  • Provided insight to an industry member regarding “age gates” and advised on best practices related to influencer marketing
  • Guided a brand owner through the ins-and-outs of social media and tied house issues related to listing a retailer on the brand owner’s social media outlets

For more information about how Lindsey Zahn P.C. can help your business, please contact

Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

Lindsey Zahn P.C.

Request an Initial Consultation

Interested in learning more about the firm’s services? Have a potential project we can work together on? Contact Lindsey Zahn P.C. now for an initial consultation.